

Continuous evaluation / assessments are made through out the year on the basis of which promotion is granted.

For the purpose of evaluation,the school conducts Formative Assesment 1(FA1),Formative Assesment 2(FA2),Formative Assesment 3(FA3), Formative Assesment 4(FA4).These Assesments are taken into account for Summative Assesment 1(SA1) and Summative Assesment 2(SA2) exams.Absence From these Assesments will have adverse effect on promotion.

Anyone using unfair means in the exams / tests will get zero in that subject and /or will be debarred from further examinations. He/she will be declared to have failed and may even be expelled from the school.

Students who fail in Promotion Exams may be asked to leave the school as being either unwilling to study or unable to learn. In no case, however, will a student be allowed to repeat the same class for a third time. A student who fails twice in three consecutive years must be withdrawn. Due to any unforeseen circumstances, if a test / exams is not held on the scheduled date, the same will be held on the next working day, unless otherwise notified.

Re-exams/ Tests are not held for absent students. No special room will be provided for sick students. Their promotion will be decided according to their performance during the year.